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Michael Conlon

Robot Cars vs. Pedestrians

Robot Cars vs. Pedestrians

Can we all just get along? As Congress and state legislatures grapple with the legal and safety issues involving autonomous vehicles on public thoroughfares, a recent Wall Street Journal article entitled “Pedestrian Peril in the Digital Age” discusses the...
Court Considers Chapter 7

Court Considers Chapter 7

Court Considers Chapter 7 Trustee’s Ability to Sell LLC Property in Sole Members Bankruptcy A bankruptcy trustee has the right to liquidate any property of a Chapter 7 Debtor subject to claimed exemptions and liens. Does this right extend to a membership...
Freeware Corner

Freeware Corner

Freeware Corner: The best, most useful or just plain fun freeware on the ‘net! If you’re like me, your computer monitor is littered with various colors of those ubiquitous “sticky” notes, reminding you of all sorts of important “to...
Tech Tidbit: Bitly

Tech Tidbit: Bitly

Sometimes, cutting and pasting a web address link from your browser to your word processing document just takes up too much space in your document and looks cumbersome; some internet articles or web sites you want to cite to can have extremely long and complicated web...